Precision Framing Services for Your Construction Needs

Expert Craftsmanship and Structural Integrity Guaranteed

Wooden beams forming the structural framework of a house during the framing stage of construction.

Crafting the Perfect Frame

Our framing expertise extends beyond aesthetics; we understand the technical nuances of framing that ensure your artwork remains protected for years to come. Every piece is handled with the utmost care and consideration, employing industry-leading techniques and materials. Whether you're framing a delicate canvas, a valuable photograph, or a treasured memorabilia, our seasoned craftsmen bring their skill and passion to every project.

With Innovation Contracting, LLC, your framing experience begins with a personalized consultation. We listen to your vision, take into account the unique characteristics of your artwork, and suggest framing options that complement its style and context. Our expansive selection of high-quality materials, from acid-free mats to UV-resistant glazing, guarantees that your art remains free from discoloration, fading, and deterioration caused by environmental factors.

Our Client-Centered Approach

At Innovation Contracting, LLC, We prioritize your unique needs and preferences, offering custom framing solutions that align with your vision. Our process includes:

  • Personalized Consultation: We believe in collaboration. Our team takes the time to understand your artwork and your expectations.
  • Innovation and Tradition: Our framing solutions marry traditional craftsmanship with innovative techniques.
  • Meticulous Execution: Every aspect of framing, from measuring to assembly, is executed with precision.
  • Transparent Communication: You'll know what materials we're using, how the process is progressing, and when your framed piece will be ready for display.
  • Enduring Value: Our framing is an investment in the longevity and value of your art.

Discover the difference that precision framing can make for your cherished pieces. Contact Innovation Contracting, LLC at (518) 390-1223  to schedule a consultation and explore the world of framing that seamlessly merges artistry and preservation.

Wooden beams forming the structural frame of a house under construction.
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